Victims of Hate Crimes

Crimes with racist characteristics are prosecuted under Article 82A of the Penal Code, if the victim is selected on the basis of race, color, religion, descent, national or ethnic origin, disability, sexual orientation, identity or gender characteristics.
In accordance with Article 5 of Law 927/1979 (as amended by Law 4285/2014), crimes of racist violence are prosecuted ex officio and the victims are not required to pay a fee when filing a complaint or a civil action. In addition, under certain conditions, Law 3811/2009 provides for the possibility for victims to be compensated by the Hellenic Compensation Authority.
In particular, with regard to victims and witnesses of racist violence who are not citizens of EU Member States, a residence permit for humanitarian reasons may be granted in accordance with Article 19A of Law 4251/2014, as amended by Law 4332/2015.

Report – Complaint of a Crime of Racist Violence

Based on the provisions of P.D. 132/2012, as amended by P.D. 178/2014, Racist Violence Services of the Hellenic Police were established throughout Greece. Specifically, two (2) Departments and sixty-eight (68) Offices for Combating Racist Violence were established throughout Greece. The purpose of establishing these services is to effectively and efficiently combat violence against individuals or groups with a racist motivation and background.

Among their responsibilities, the Departments and Offices for Combating Racist Violence:
- Assist, on their own initiative or following a complaint, notification, or accusation, in the investigation and prosecution of crimes relating to the commission, preparation or in any way public provocation, inducement or incitement to commit a crime, offences, or the commission of acts or actions which may cause discrimination, hate, or violence against any person or group of persons on grounds of race, color, religion, descent, national or ethnic origin, sexual orientation, gender identity or disability.
- Collect, process, and make appropriate use of information and evidence relating to the commission or preparation of offences with racist characteristics.
- The Departments coordinate and guide the Offices for Combatting Racist Violence of the Security Departments of the relevant Security Directorate in fulfilling heir mission.
- Develop collaborations with relevant government departments and agencies as well as with other social agencies and organizations in the context of fulfilling their mission and managing incidents of racist violence more effectively.
- Cooperate with international organizations and bodies as well as bodies and representatives of vulnerable social groups that have suffered or are at risk of suffering racist attacks.
- Keep a specific record of the incidents of racist violence which they deal with.
- Inform victims or complainants of their rights.
- Are responsible for informing the relevant services in cases where medical or hospital care or psychological support is required for victims of racist attacks, as well as for the presence of an interpreter if requested or deemed necessary.
- Immediately inform the competent public prosecutor whenever they are involved in preliminary investigations in cases of racist violence. In addition, in serious cases, they also inform our Country’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the consular authorities of the country of the victims of the racist attack.

Special Complaints Hotline: 11414 (open 24 hours a day. The anonymity and confidentiality of communication is ensured)
Telephone directory of Services for Combating Racist Violence, by Police Directorate
Electronic contact form – Complaints

Source: Hellenic Police – Offices for Combating Racist Violence

Furthermore, according to Article 15 of Law 4356/2015, the National Council against Racism and Intolerance was established with the participation of representatives of the Administration and Civil Society.

Support services for victims of racist violence

Racist Violence Recording Network

Created on the initiative of the National Committee for Human Rights (NCHR) and the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees in Greece (UNHCR), with the participation of governmental organizations and agencies.

Greek Council for Refugees

The Greek Council for Refugees is a non-governmental organization that supports refugees and asylum seekers in Greece through a variety of psychosocial and legal services.
The Greek Council for Refugees is a non-governmental organization founded in 1989 to support refugees and asylum seekers in Greece
- helps refugees to harmoniously integrate in Greece through a variety of psychosocial and legal services
- is the only Greek non-governmental, non-profit organization that deals exclusively with individuals seeking asylum in Greece who are considered refugees, is registered with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Health and Social Solidarity as an association recognized as a special charity
- is one of six non-governmental organizations for the protection of Human Rights in Greece that participate in the National Commission for Human Rights
- is an operational partner of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees and a member of the European Council on Refugees and Exiles

Greek Helsinki Monitor

The Greek Helsinki Monitor monitors, publishes articles, and promotes human rights issues in Greece.
The Greek Helsinki Monitor was founded in 1992
- constitutes the Greek National Commission of International Helsinki Federation for Human Right
monitors, publishes articles, and intervenes in human rights issues in Greece, and at time in the Balkans
- has participated in and often coordinated the monitoring of the Greek and Balkan media on prejudice and verbal violence, has produced detailed annual reports, parallel/unofficial reports to UN bodies, and specific reports on abuse and on ethnic, ethno-linguistic, religious, and migrant communities.

Amnesty International Greek Section

Amnesty International is aimed at governments, intergovernmental organizations, armed political groups, companies, and other non-state actors, and systematically and impartially investigates individual cases and broad forms of human rights violations.
Amnesty International
- is a global, independent movement of volunteers fighting for the protection of human rights
- defends prisoners of conscience, violence, and poverty
- aims to end violence against women
- aims to abolish the death penalty, torture, and the restriction of freedoms in the name of “war and terrorism”
- combats discrimination against refugees, migrants, minorities, and human rights defenders.

Source: e-justice – My rights to support and assistance

Other support organizations:
- Greek National Commission for Human Rights (GNCHR):
- National Confederation of Disabled People – information and support service Let’s do it together
- Ombudsman:


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